Confession: Christianeze, Spiritualeze i.e. Christian Talk... makes me want to vomit.
** Disclaimer: Yes, I've done it!
Unfortunately this disdain has grown and no longer filters out genuine vs. rhetoric and I find hearing God is good from the most sincere person causes my eyes to roll all on their own!!
** Disclaimer: I know God IS good .. ALL the time God IS good!!!
I've become so anti-spiritual talk that my FB does not even give my religious views yet I'm officially a missionary! The one time my status reflected what God was doing in my heart and my own brother called in shock and awe that I had publicly proclaimed that Jesus had washed my sins away!
**Disclaimer: God has done AMAZING things in my life and He IS my life, I want nothing more than to please Him and proclaim Him and for EVERYONE to know Him.
However, Christianeze makes me sick! STILL!
Our TALK is so FULL of Christ, so STICKY, SICKENINGLY SWEET! and so many times our ACTIONS are so EMPTY, non-exisistent, and SICKENINGLY something else! So much so there's a whole book on how UN-Christian we really are!
**Disclaimer: I've been so guilty of this that it is SICKENING!
I find myself overwhelmed with love and compassion for the victims of Christianity.