Today's featured supporter is probably the cutest of them all! He's also probably the youngest of them all!He's pretty funny too, I sent him a thank you for his generosity and he sent me back a message saying, "No problem, but I'm going to have to go to public school now!"- Kellan I figure his really cool parents have something to do with his generous spirit. His mama and I go way back, like elementary school way back.
This is the oldest online pic I could find of us. She supported me when I wanted to wear my hair like this and now when I want to share Jesus with the world! I'm miffed about the first one, but extremely grateful for the second one. Pretty proud of our quarter of a century old friendship, there are very few people in life who will turn out to be forever friends. Yep! All those people who signed off their notes, BFF, GFF, or FF are just a bunch of liars! (Sorry Jr. Highers!) But if you hang in there though, it's pretty sweet to have support system for the rough times life may throw at'cha! A huge perk being they need no back story! I mean we'll be friends forever, we know too much and it'd take a lifetime to catch someone else up! Some other perks are the great times like annual Christmas dinners, when they take you on vacation to their beach house, let you play with their super cute kid, and support your mission's habit, just to name a few! Seriously though, if you can hang in there, getting old is a bit easier and a lot more fun when the person you're sitting next to is the same one you jumped on the trampoline with, discovered warp zones with, braved Jr. High with, and owned high school with! Very grateful for the continued support of my forever friend!
Thanks Lynds! I mean, Kellan! Kellan, I hope one day you'll have a forever friend like me and your mama! Sorry about public school! But we went to public school and we turned out just fine! Just do everything we did! And in case you're wondering what that is, when we weren't studying or excelling in sports, we spent a lot of time in prayer and Bible study!