Saturday, October 15, 2011


According to my Mama, Neosporin fixes everything!

Me: "Mommmmm! I burned myself in the kitchen!"
Mom: Put some Neosporin on it!
(actually she might just laugh out loud ... my chances of getting burned in the kitchen are pretty low, unless something is just really hot when I pull it out of the microwave!)

Me: "Mommmm! Carrie knocked me off the bed and I have rug burn!"
Mom: Put some Neosporin on it!
(or her more typical response, Carrie would never do anything like that!)

Me: "Mommmm! I fell up the stairs again!"
Mom: Good job Grace Ann! There's some Neosporin in the bathroom!

Me: "Mommmm! Dad sliced is finger off!"
Mom: Find the Neosporin!

(all these are pretty much actual and fairly recent true stories!)

And my most favorite is when I have a visible mark on my face or hand and my sister whips Neosporin out of her purse and lathers me in it without my request! (she's her mother's daughter for sure!)

Even though it doesn't cure all, it's good stuff! Hopefully if you ask my home church they'll be able to tell you about a message about Neosporin that I spoke to them a couple years ago! See, Neosporin has some dang good marketing... You've seen their commercials, a band aid armed w Neosporin goes on the kid's scrape and then when they pull it off... GASP! it's gone!!!

Even their slogan: Neosporin: A Higher Level of Healing! Every cut! Every time!

And they own the 3 C's of proper wound care: Clean it! Coat it! Cover it!

Well, all that to say... we came armed with Neosporin to Haiti... and have been covering this lil guy in it everyday! (Ideally that pic at the top would be right here, but well, this is why I don't blog often because I just don't know how to do certain things!)

His name is Rivaldo! He's adorable! He was in a motorcycle accident (whole families ride motorcycles together here!) I believe in one week I have now seen 3 motorcycle accidents with my own eyes!

Please believe we didn't just depend on Neosporin's higher level of healing, but are confident in THE HIGHEST level of healing! By His stripes!

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