Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Galatians 6

Tonight my devo was Galatians Chapter 6 followed by the next chapter of The Circle Maker. (I'm loving this new book by Mark Batterson, seriously, you can't go wrong with more prayer in your life!)

You know sometimes when you read the Bible and you think, "I have no idea what I just read or you wonder what you were supposed to get out of that entire chapter of "Begots?" (I skip those by the way!) Well, tonight, wasn't one of those nights. God seemed to be speaking so clearly (because you know other times, He mumbles and is just sooo confusing!) i.e. other times I'm distracted and not really listening so well.

Tonight this is what I wrote in my journal: Try not to become distracted by how amazing my handwriting is!

Then when I read the Circle Maker it said, don't just read the Bible, Pray the Bible! So... 

 Help me to restore others gently and be gentle in my interactions. (Everyone in my life will probably Amen that one!) Guard my heart Lord, put your biggest angels there and around my mind as well.  When I note sin in others help me to remember, if not for grace therego I! help me to carry other's burdens with YOUR strength and not my own.  Open my eyes to their needs even if they won't tell me what they are. Make me aware of my motives and intentions and how I affect those around me. May I do nothing out of selfish ambition. Help me to carry my own load with YOUR strength and with grace and efficiency. And without complaint. Father, since I will reap what have sown, I pray that You'll go thru and pull up all the weeds for me so that the good won't be choked out by all the ME that is there! Help me and all the wonderful people that I get to work with not to grow weary in doing good for others, I pray we don't get distracted or lose sight of what You want from us. Help me to take every opportunity to do good for others, may it become a habit, like second nature for me. When I get bogged down with silly, insignificant stuff, remind me that what really counts is a NEW CREATION! 

 Just felt like I should share this. 

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