Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mac N' Cheese

Before Niah was even able to talk, which I'm not sure I remember when that was since she's just shy of her 3rd birthday with the vocabulary of a 30 year old, she's known what she wanted and how to let you know about it! And I LOVE that about her! (I actually love everything about her!)
** Being so far away from her and Malachi is a million times worse than fundraising by the way!

Anyway, on this particular night, we were all out in the front yard and Cara asked Matthew what he wanted for dinner, before he could utter a suggestion, Niah yells, "Mac n Cheese!"  So, of course, Mac n Cheese it was for Niah! Vocab and negotiation skills like that at 22 months old had to be rewarded!

Tonight, still a bit sick, it came time to eat dinner and if you'd have asked me what I wanted I would've shouted quickly like Niah, "Mac N Cheese!" But that's not exactly something I can go pick up from a street vender here! (I actually have a box of it that I look at longingly every once in awhile, but I don't have a way to cook it in my hotel room! So, I'd have to walk up to the church and cook it and come back and I wasn't feeling up to that challenge tonight!) My heart sank a bit, (I know it sounds dumb, but I don't feel good and I was bummed!) but I pulled some things out of my fridge and was going to make the best of it. Then the phone rang.

"Hey this is Chanda, we just made some some Jumbalya and Mac N' Cheese would you want some of that?"

"Ummm, yes, please!"

I smiled, because I knew God was showing me He cared about the little things.

Who knew James 1:17 was about mac n cheese?  Every good and perfect gift is from above!
 Just like Matthew and Cara knew how to give Niah a good gifts, my Father in heaven takes care of me here in Thailand! Matthew 7:11

Chris and Chanda thanks so much for being so Spirit led and good to me!!! :)

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