Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Hardest We've Prayed: The Haiti Goat Story

Ok... so close your eyes and imagine this.... well, I guess you can't very well close your eyes and keep reading so imagine it.... you're in Haiti, the country of voo doo, of chaos, where you have to have multiple armed guards at all times. It's dark. It's 3:30 in the morning. You're asleep in your bunk, beneath your mosquito net. And you hear this noise! Do not watch the video just turn off the lights let the audio play to better understand our degree of terror!

You are sure it is a man screaming help! Images of torture flash through your mind, it's literally right outside your window, he continues to scream, your teammates are awakened... and huddled together in their pajamas. Neither fight nor flight are an option. Welcome to hell... I mean living with goats!

We didn't know for several nights that the screaming was coming from the goats, to say we prayed harder than we've ever prayed before would be a gross understatement! 

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