Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why I'm Anti-Honey Bear!

I tee totally agree with the Barry B. Benson, star of the BEE movie, bears should not be used to store the honey, they STEAL honey.  It's like selling knives in OJ containers!

Oh and P.S. since we're talking about the BEE movie, anyone know what "Scripting" is?  It's often times a symptom of autism or even PTSD, but my BFF @essjaydubb does it and claims to be mental illness free, I suppose it'd be wrong for me to give my professional opinion of her mental health here on the blog, but then again she's not a patient so I'm not violating HIPPA, this was just not something we covered in ethics class?! Any who, she scripts! The majority of her dialogue is peppered with movie quotes and/or noises, which isn't necessarily problematic, but I learned by accident it doesn't stop there. A while back, Sara had spent the night and was in my bathroom taking a shower, alone I thought.  I continued to hear her talking, not singing, but talking so I yelled a response, "Yeah?"  No response, but continued conversation.    Once she was out, I said, "Who were you talking to?  Were you praying?" Her face reddened and she irritatedly replied, "NO!" Later in the day she said, "Would you like to know what I was saying in the shower?" "Yes please!" I was quoting the Bee movie. Me: "?" She replied in character voices:

You're gonna be a stirrer?
 Nobody's listening to me!  I can say anything I want right now. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack it up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth, and start calling everybody "dawg"!

Now you can draw your own conclusions about Sara's mental health, but I should continue you on about why I'm totally ANTI- the honey bear.  It's not because I'm a Bee's Rights Activist.  The honey bear and I totally had a run in several years back to which I have never fully recovered from.  Just yesterday the nearly decade old incidence made me gag!

Picture it, Sicily , I mean Kansas City, the year 2005. (If you don't get that last reference then you need to watch the Golden Girls more!)  It was cold and snowy out, much like it is today, it was one of the weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I was with my KC family, headed to Grandma Days' for a Thanksgiving Christmas meal.

The fixings are all laid out, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, homemade rolls! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Bradley Jo is behind me in line making sarcastic remarks about my need to hurry it up! I grab the honey bear and drown my rolls and green beans and dressing, for good measure, in honey and head to my seat. I cannot wait to sit down and eat!!!! I take my place at the card table, it must've been the kid's table because Brad and Bubba both sat there too.  I place a fork full of goodness on my honey buttered homemade roll and took a bite while my mind said, "Get in my belly!!!"  That's when my hatred of the honey bear began!

See, Grandma Day had repurposed the honey bear ; once the honey was all gone she had filled it up with lemony orangey citrus dish soap.  All the fixings were set up on the kitchen counter right beside the sink, where the honey bear rested, stating clearly on his belly that he was fully of honey! The yellow, orangish liquid deceptively drizzled out slowly masked as honey all over my Thanksgiving meal.  I was ruined at first bite.  I couldn't taste anything, but liquid dish soap the rest of the day. To this day if I smell citrus dish soap I can taste it! "Dang" you Honey Bear!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Change: The Biggest Loser & The Bachelor

This is an insider edition to Picking up the CHANGE today! In other words, it's a glimpse of what's going on inside my head.

Change is hard. There are lots of things I am trying  (wanting) to change right now. Trying would say I'm putting significant effort towards said things & quite honestly I am not.

I had dinner with my good friend Amy Luke last night. She's definitely a favorite friend. She's an athletic trainer and has come running every time I've called over the past 8 years saying, "I'm ready to get healthy!" She asked me last night if I ever do any of her workouts, I pointed to myself and said, "Obviously!" She does her part, even gave me whole wheat crackers with my dinner last night, but at some point I have to do mine.  Sigh.

After dinner we sat down to watch, "The Biggest Loser," (and ate Girl Scout Cookies!) I must confess that Monday nights in my world belong to, "The Bachelor" NOT "The Biggest Loser!"  I know, I know, but it's like earning Continuing Education Credits for my counseling degree, it's a house full of psychosis and therefore excellent case studies.  AND after watching The Biggest Loser last night, I don't see the difference, except one shows fat people crying and whining a lot and the other skinny.

Either show you watch, change is hard. My devo today was about change and I wanted to share some of the things I highlighted,

"Many people do not show growth in their walks with Jesus Christ because they do not want to change the way they are living.  At times they might even be moved to tears by their failures, but they do not surge ahead because basically they want to do exactly as they have been doing!"

"Amen," says the lady with the large McDonald's coke in her hand.

We need our deep ties to be with faithful believers because two people cannot be bound together while walking in opposite directions in life.  (It sounds like a Chinese proverb, but it's scripture!)

We are to be set apart, not set against. (Oh goodness please hear this!)

I want to stop being a consumer in my life and be a contributor.  (that was just from my head)

"Many changes in our lives can be hard, but it's our refusal to change the places God is asking us to change that keeps us stuck on the dismal merry-go-round we're too afraid to jump off yet too sick to stay on."

Most diet & exercise plans, treatment plans, plans to be a better parent, spouse, student, friend, teacher, worker, follower of Christ, they will work, you just have to do them.  It is for freedom...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

God, Father Abraham, Nehemiah, & James Courter

I had a morning meeting with a missionary to Haiti.  I guess I should confess something first.  I don't like Haiti.  It may very well be my least favorite place on earth.  There are lots of reasons for this, not the least of these being my encounter with Haitian Bed Bugs & screaming man goats.

As I have set out to launch this intern program for Sustain Hope, one big thing that has to be secured is your destination.  Once you have that, you can work on all the other many details.  I began emailing my missionary friends around the world.  Places like Buenos Aires, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Chiang Mai, Philippine Islands, Kenya, etc. The possibilities were endless.  I also emailed some missionaries to Haiti I had met one time while they were here stateside.  I don't know them personally like the others on the list, but for some reason I included them.  I sat in front of my screen constantly refreshing my inbox waiting to see where God would take me on this new adventure! Guess who was the first and only missionary to respond that day?! Haiti!

More confession: When I look at Haiti, I see destitution, I see darkness, I see very little hope! I know this is a terrible outlook, I'm just being honest.  It's dark, the poverty is nearly unparalleled, it's Voo Doo for goodness sake! I see the people and I feel pity & helplessness & hopelessness.  My vision of them and for them has been very short sited and very unGodly.  But this is my truth.

Today I sat across from a man who sees Haiti for what it is, it's a real mess.  I sat across from a man with a seminarian & medical degree who had his sites set on going to Muslim nations where no missionary had ever gone, but God said to him, look at Haiti.  So he did, he moved his family of 6 to Haiti.  They minister to hundreds of children weekly, help national pastors with church plants, head up a Bible school, run a medical clinic and quite a bit more, but "that don't impress me much."  (Well, it does, but not as much as what he SEES.) He said to me, "You know I look at Haitians and I see they're resilient, they can live under the harshest of circumstances and conditions, and survive!  They could one day live in the harsh conditions of the unreached people groups too."  He looks at the Haitians and sees missionaries to the middle east?!? (WOW!)  I need to borrow this man's glasses! (and his heart and his resolve too evidently!!) I was profoundly impacted by his vision.

Tonight as I was doing my devo, a study of the book of Nehemiah by Kelly Minter.  (I highly recommend it!) Jerusalem was in ruins, Nehemiah hears, he goes, he rallies the people, they rebuild the wall in 52 days, but it's still kind of mess, there are no homes, the people are living in tents.) Kelly quotes Derek Kidner as saying this about Jerusalem at this time,

"The barely habitable city, the encircling heathen, and the poverty and seeming insignificance of the Jews are all transcended by the glorious reality of God.  The facts are not ignored, as the ensuing everlasting to everlasting and of God's unimaginable greatness above all blessing and praise."

This is how God (and Jame Courter) see Haiti.  I (MBK) see the barely habitable city, the encircling heathen, the poverty and seeming insignificance of the Haitians and He sees the glorious reality of God not ignoring the facts just knowing His God's unimaginable greatness!!!!

Last, but not least my devo took me to Hebrews 11 about Father Abraham's faithful heart.  And again I was reminded of the GREATNESS of God and the man I had an 8am meeting with today.  vs. 9 &10 read like this:  By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with of the same promise.  For he was looking forward to the city with foundations whose architect and builder is God.

Haiti is not God's first tent city to deal with and we are not the first people to ever be shaken to the core with financial difficulty, grief or sadness, betrayal, infidelity, disease, or difficulty that cannot be measured. AND we are not the only heirs with a promise, our Haitian brothers and sisters are heirs, the little girl in the news this week whose mom sold her for drugs is an heir, the facts are horrendous and should not be ignored, but you know what else should not be ignored?  the unimaginable greatness of God.  We would all do well to set our sites just past the facts, looking forward to the city, the future with foundations whose architect and builder is God.

Thank you God, Father Abraham, Nehemiah, and James Courter for a change in perspective today!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Ever been told to mind your own beeswax? I personally haven't, but that's a REAL thing beeswax! Who knew?  Being a missionary has taken me many places I never thought I would go, Africa, Haiti, Iowa City (where if you're not wearing your seat belt as a passenger they can pull you over JUST for that and ticket you for $127) and just this week it's taken me to Bee Keeping Class!

I 'll go ahead and tell you that my instructor is a racist AND against immigration!

He said and I quote:
"Germans are pretty much no good and the Italians took them out out, the Italians are workhorses, but they're prone to robbing and don't much care for winter, the Carniolas or the 'dark browns' are prone to swarming, the Caucasians don't winter well at all & are pretty passive and not very popular. The Russians winter well, but they have quite the bipolar disposition and have a high tendency of swarming.  The Minnesotans are very hygienic, winter well, but have a highly variable temperament and swarm tendency, and the survivors well they have an excellent survivor rate.  (I really wrote that down!) It's bad to mix races because you never know what you're going to get, they'll have their own set of problems.  And it's terrible to bring any in from other countries the Africans are killers and on top of that they bring in disease!"

Okay so he was talking about bees, but I kept thinking he's never saying the word BEE so if someone is out in the hall and they're hearing this... well, I thought it was real funny!

I found the class very helpful and I found finding a good bee is liking finding a good man! We're told to look for in a good BEE:
Good Survival Rate
Gentle Disposition
Honey Production
Low Swarming tendency
Good spring build up
Winter hardiness
Hygienic behavior
Mite and disease resistance
Low robbing propensity
** Unfortunately, no bee has 100% of these traits and I'm confident at 35 and single that no man does either.  Sigh!

But he advised us well, "Don't judge a breed of bee by just one hive!" And all the AG pastors said Amen!

Oh and why we're talking about / to pastors:  It is hard for the mind to absorb what the seat can't endure.  (this has nothing to do with bees)

We can learn A LOT from bees:  They are truly social, they take care of each others young, they divide  and conquer the labor, they work with overlapping generations.  Ah what a church that would be?!

And if all that wasn't fascinating enough! Then they start to tell me about this Queen B! I wish I had taken the name of everyone who ever introduced me as the Queen B (I now know that this is NOT a compliment!) Seriously, she's a piece of work.  95% of your hive is going to be female worker bees (in other words WATCH OUT! 95% of the hive can sting you!) It is 5% drones, which is the male B whose sole goal in life is to mate with the Queen B and then when they finally get to do that they die from it!  They don't help with anything in the hive and then they are kicked out in the winter time.  (Seriously, I'm not making this stuff up!) The workers bees do all the house keeping, care for the young, gather and store, and make the beeswax and honey comb! AND take care of the QUEEN B! Who from birth is a B, seriously, there may be a half dozen queen bees developing, but the first one to hatch immediately goes and kills off the unhatched ones, she's fed and cleaned and served Royal Jelly by the worker bees, her pheromones CONTROL the reproduction of all the other bees, AND decide whether or not a developing bee will be male or female.  She controls the entire behavior of the hive.  And there is only ONE.

You change the temperament of a hive by Re-Queening it!  Hmmm.... my co-worker said that the instructor should have followed that up by, "Do not try this at home!" Seriously though homes aside, who's the Queen B in the areas of your life?  Who's controlling the temperament of the room?

Ah the life lessons from bees! And my learnin ain't over yet! I have 5 more weeks of classes! Welcome to Bee Keeping 101 with MBK!