Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Change: The Biggest Loser & The Bachelor

This is an insider edition to Picking up the CHANGE today! In other words, it's a glimpse of what's going on inside my head.

Change is hard. There are lots of things I am trying  (wanting) to change right now. Trying would say I'm putting significant effort towards said things & quite honestly I am not.

I had dinner with my good friend Amy Luke last night. She's definitely a favorite friend. She's an athletic trainer and has come running every time I've called over the past 8 years saying, "I'm ready to get healthy!" She asked me last night if I ever do any of her workouts, I pointed to myself and said, "Obviously!" She does her part, even gave me whole wheat crackers with my dinner last night, but at some point I have to do mine.  Sigh.

After dinner we sat down to watch, "The Biggest Loser," (and ate Girl Scout Cookies!) I must confess that Monday nights in my world belong to, "The Bachelor" NOT "The Biggest Loser!"  I know, I know, but it's like earning Continuing Education Credits for my counseling degree, it's a house full of psychosis and therefore excellent case studies.  AND after watching The Biggest Loser last night, I don't see the difference, except one shows fat people crying and whining a lot and the other skinny.

Either show you watch, change is hard. My devo today was about change and I wanted to share some of the things I highlighted,

"Many people do not show growth in their walks with Jesus Christ because they do not want to change the way they are living.  At times they might even be moved to tears by their failures, but they do not surge ahead because basically they want to do exactly as they have been doing!"

"Amen," says the lady with the large McDonald's coke in her hand.

We need our deep ties to be with faithful believers because two people cannot be bound together while walking in opposite directions in life.  (It sounds like a Chinese proverb, but it's scripture!)

We are to be set apart, not set against. (Oh goodness please hear this!)

I want to stop being a consumer in my life and be a contributor.  (that was just from my head)

"Many changes in our lives can be hard, but it's our refusal to change the places God is asking us to change that keeps us stuck on the dismal merry-go-round we're too afraid to jump off yet too sick to stay on."

Most diet & exercise plans, treatment plans, plans to be a better parent, spouse, student, friend, teacher, worker, follower of Christ, they will work, you just have to do them.  It is for freedom...

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