Thursday, November 24, 2011


So, if you follow me on facebook, which why wouldn't you?! Seriously, I'm a hoot! So yeah, if you follow me you'd know that a few weeks ago, I took my team to climb this waterfall in Haiti.

It's called Saut d'Eau waterfall.

And today we googled it... maybe we should've done that sooner?! (nah!) Need to know basis remember?!

It's actually a very famous spot here in Haiti. A very famous VOODOO spot that is!Here are our findings:

"Haitian pilgrims gather at the waterfall at Saut d'Eau every year on the anniversary of the 1983 sighting of the Virgin Mary, alternately identified as the Vodou loa, or spirit, of Erzulie Freda, the Goddess of Love..The waterfall at Saut D'Eau is the site of the largest Vodou and Catholic pilgrimage in Haiti. Each year, thousands of Haitian pilgrims make their way to Saut D'Eau to bathe in the sacred water and revel in the presence of the loa, particularly Erzulie and Damballah the Serpent, father of all life and keeper of spiritual wisdom, who is said to live in the falls. The water is believed to be curative and many women come to Saut d'Eau seeking fertility."

Yep I took my team to the home of voodoo baptisms! oops!

What can wash away my sins? Nothing, but the blood of Jesus!!!

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