Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Have a Confession to Make

I have a confession to make.  I don't watch a lot of LIVE tv.  Meaning I watch most everything DVR, on Netflix, or online.  AND I listen to even LESS music.  If I DO find something I like I wear it out, for instance, just the other day my Greatest Hits of Reba McIntyre broke in the cassete player and my Lynryd Skynryd tape came unravelled all together! Sad times!

I do however listen to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts, gosh I sound like a dork and I've not even gotten to the confession part yet! When I DO listen to stuff though I picture in my head what the character or artist looks like, for instance, I listen to a lot of James Patterson Alex Cross stuff on road trips and, in my head, Alex Cross looked just like Denzel, so you can imagine my disappointment when Tyler Perry was cast to play him on the big screen! Again, sad times. Tyler Perry = Madea NOT Denzel!

So, with all of that said, I must confess that whenever I heard Adele sing, I always pictured a Big Black Southern Woman! (Truthfully, I pictured Della Reese, she's my go-to BBW mentally!) So, when the Oscars was the only thing on and I see tiny Kristen Chenoweth interviewing a Big Blonde White British Woman named Adele, I was shocked! I've had to regroup entirely!

So to prevent anyone else from having to go through the mental assimilation difficulties I have endured:
This is NOT Adele:


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