Thursday, June 20, 2013

10 Things I've Learned on the Mission Field

While speaking at a church a few weeks ago the pastor asked me to teach an adult Sunday School Class of about 50+ people. 

(For the record, I really like it when pastors let me / trust me to share with their people not just from the platform, but over a meal, in Sunday School, youth service, kid's church!) 

The night before God had me make this list so I shared it with them and I'm glad I did.  I'm going to share all 10 things with you in this post, but over the next few weeks, I'll write about each one specifically.  So if it doesn't make sense right now, wait for it.  I hope you enjoy the "series" and maybe even get something out of it, but I'm writing it more for myself, so I don't ever forget the things God has shown me from His beautiful people and their fascinating cultures around the world. 
  1. God is not different, ever, anywhere.
  2. Ministry = Dirty
  3. The church is NOT a building.
  4. It takes a village.
  5. More is NOT better.
  6. Community is more than a buzz word.
  7. You do not have to have anything to give.
  8. The heart of God is a better director than any conference.
  9. Contentment is found in the will of God.
  10. It's ALWAYS about the one.