Sunday, October 14, 2012

Watch your tone! Things I've learned from traveling to Thailand!

I have several blogs that should come before this one, but this is the one I want to publish tonight! We left Springfield, Missouri @8:05am 10/10/12 & arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand @10:55pm 10/11/12. There's a 12 hour time difference & it's currently Friday, 10/12/12 at 8:21pm although my computer says 8:21am. I'm tired to say the least- I am jet-lagging as I type!

Some things I've learned from traveling:

1. No matter how great my intentions or how long that flight is I will NOT organize the pictures on my laptop.
2.  It's good to sit by your best friend, then you're not falling asleep on a random stranger's shoulder & if you've got a good one like mine they won't let your head do that bobbing thing like it does in church or statistics class in school. She propped it up with two fingers!
3.  Don't make eye contact with the toddler in front you, they can play peek a boo for hours & they're hard to escape when you're all buckled in.  Also, if you make eye contact or smile children could mistake that as friendliness so when their mom sleeps the rest of the flight you end up with a kid in your lap wanting to play on YOUR game console & be taken to the potty!
4.  It's not likely that the person next to you is watching the same movie you are, therefore when when you laugh out loud or gesture wildly with your eyes, brows, and gaping mouth  silently exclaiming"can you believe that just happened?" They don't really know & might think you're choking & attempt the heimlich.
5.  The bathroom is a cool place to go hangout when you need some alone time, but if you sit there too long it will eventually automatically flush and you may suffer PTSD- Post Traumatic Seat (I haven't decided what the D should stand for!)) Also, prepare for angry stares upon your exit as the longer you've stayed, the longer the line has gotten!
6.  The first day of jet lagging is NOT the day to attempt to learn a TONAL language.
- The Thai Language has 5 tones. (Hi, Mid, Low, Rising, & Falling)  Just like blue jeans! Hi Rise, Mid rise, Low Rise, Rising (Wedgie), Falling (also known as sagging, however, it sounds nothing like Ebonics!)
7. Watch your tone. The Thai word for POOP and the Thai word for RIDE are the same word, your tone tells the listener which word you're intending to use, the missionary accidentally told someone this week that she pooped her motorcycle rather than rode it! The possibilities of ways to really mess up this interchange are endless. If you've ever seen the FRIENDS episode where Phoebe tries to teach Joey French.  Well, I'm Joey. I can't hear the tone differences and I sure can't repeat them back to you!
8.  You are not allowed to pack chainsaws in your carryon OR your checked luggage!?! That's outrageous!

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