Monday, April 8, 2013


Ahh, this generation! You can tune in every night and watch them forage their way straight to hell. The media takes great pictures outside of nightclubs and rehab clinics and they seem to have direct downloads for mug shots these days.  Channel surf all you want, they're going to hell in a handbasket.     I'm not sure if you know this or not, but the media doesn't always give us the WHOLE story and not everything you read on the internet is true. Unfortunately, I'm afraid many take this gloom and doom message today as gospel truth. I'm not saying we don't need to strengthen our ministries aimed at the young adult community because God knows we sure do! What I'm saying is, there's just more to the story.

  There are droves of college and university students;  20somethings, who have risen above the keg party, self-involved, materialistic, apathetic picture that our media shows us.  Each morning they arise and rather than start their days off with hangovers and a walk of shame; they grab their Eurasia Cafe coffee,  and walk with Christ aspiring to bring HOPE to someone else's world- some just befriending the lonely kid down the hall in their dorm and others sponsoring a kid on the other side of the world with the money from their part time jobs, and others getting degrees in medicine to run free clinics in the Congo! 

  Many of them link up with Chi Alpha groups across our nation for community and for discipleship and others are found in the local church in their community. Seriously, there are some amazing 20somethings out there! 

  I wonder what could change if the media would follow these 20somethings around for awhile and abandon those that always seem to end up with a mug shot or a scandal.  These 20somethings are living outrageous lives as well-it just looks and smells different (thank goodness!) 

  How do I know these anomalies exist?  I've met them.  I know them personally.  I've worked with them.  I follow them on twitter and facebook- their lives are THAT interesting. They are former students and interns- hundreds of them.  My 20somethings are way cooler than the showcased ones, they're fighting world hunger, they're advocates and educators, they're musicians, they're earning degrees in agriculture, medicine, international business, intercity social studies, theology, they're hilarious, good-looking, and as intelligent as they come. They're waiting till they're married. They lead small groups and play ultimate frisbee and ski and go to the lake.  They're writers and artists and married and single. They come from poor homes, wealthy homes, foster homes, and the middle class.  They're the children of pastors, blue collar workers, drug addicts, CEOs, teachers, drug dealers, and single parents. They hail from middle America, the blessed south, California and NYC and everywhere in between. In a way they're extremely average, but in 100 ways they're so far from it. They are exceptional. They are the future in which I choose to invest, they ARE the living, breathing, moving, functioning church. 

  They're the spring breakers that went to Haiti instead of Panama City.  They've mostly replaced their red solo cups with a starbucks and if they're ever on the news or exposed you won't have cover the eyes and ears of your small children.  They're a strong generation who don't get much attention out there, but they're not in it for that! I've just grown tired of no one hearing about them, they're amazing. It's like we're trying to keep their existence a secret! They EXIST! 

  I wrote this blog while I sat among them over New Years at The World Mission's Summit 3.

 Where they knew before they bought their tickets that they were going to be asked to give a year to serve and pray about a life time!  Over 5,000 young adults gathered to worship the Lord and hear about how they can get involved in loosing the chains of injustice, setting the oppressed free, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, repairing the brokenness of our world, and being a part of restoring lives, of something bigger than themselves. Regardless of their career path, their number one goal is to share the HOPE that they have in Jesus Christ. I'm awed by them. Thank you for being who you are. 

  Father, bless them today. Strengthen them. Give them favor. Make their dreams come true. May all the little ones in my life follow in their footsteps.  May they take others alongside them on their journey to follow You and make You known. 

Dedicated to the Alumni of the Convoy of Hope Internship Program.