Thursday, September 25, 2014

#TBT: Party Like it's 1999

It was 1999, about a week after my 22nd birthday, I began the six year journey as "Pastor Mary" that would forever change my life and probably scar several hundred teenagers lives as well! I jest, for the most part, well for a little part, I jest. I inherited a closet for an office, a failing fundraiser, a missions trip to Orlando, and a few dozen teenagers. Bless our hearts, none of us had a clue what we were getting into. I could tell you a specific leadership mistake I made with each kid in this photo, but we're all smiling here so why ruin it!? I could also tell you about a jillion God moments, swimming pool moments, discipleship moments,  road trip moments, scary moments, whits ends moments, life changing moments too. The road was long and very bumpy, but we survived and had lots of encounters with Jesus along the way.

They were talented, fascinating, intelligent, hilarious, passionate humans then and now. Funny how many emotions I can feel looking at this 15 year old photo and how my heart can still be overwhelmed with love and concern for each and every one of them.

Did you know I don't like stuffed animals?  Did you know I still have an oversized Winnie the Pooh stuffed in a closet in the states because you all pooled your money at Disney World and bought it for me?

As I go to bed tonight, my prayers will be for Tim the husband and musician, Ryan the father, the worshipper,  Kristen the beautiful, intelligent, the administrator, Ashley the new wife and worship leader and creator, Alicia the wife and artist, Shaun the husband, carpenter, gun & motorcycle lover, Logan the veteran, the runner, the passionate, Andy the father, the hard worker, the friend, and Aaron the soldier, the learner, the gentle. As I pray for your sweet lives and the plans God has for them I will also thank God that I am safe and sound in Thailand with a bedroom door that locks because I have also NOT forgotten that on this very trip I slept on a pull out love seat in the open den and awoke to you all trying to slip into bed with me and take pictures while I slept!

Thanks #TBT for the memories.

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