Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving in Thailand

What does Thanksgiving in Thailand look like?  Well, for me it looked like this:  I slept in, woke up and put some laundry in and hung it out to dry (the high for the day was 91 and the low was  63). I then made mashed potatoes that would hopefully feed 18 people, threw on shorts, a t-shirt, and some yellow box flip flops jumped on my motorcycle and headed up this mountain. 

 I stopped when I saw this sign. And parked my bike under this shade tree.

 I considered eating here by the water, but I had already had a bowl of mashed potatoes for lunch because there was no one there to smack my hand and say, "No, that's for tonight!"

 I didn't take the best seat in the house behind this bear's behind, but I just needed to wait on my apple tea and my friends before heading up this stairway to heaven. As I sat here I pondered how this might be the same view of the people who've had to stand behind me in line, I mentally apologized to those people in my mind and vowed right after Thanksgiving to get healthy.

My friends arrived and we ascended the stairway together. It's steep, but like most good things in life it's worth the climb. Because these chairs await atop.
 My friends went on to their torture massage,oh I mean Thai massage, but I camped here for an hour for the lofty sum of $6 and this was my view when the lady wasn't rubbing my feet, neck, or bringing me hot tea that is.

I sat and thought about how grateful I am for the life that God has given me (and for the lady rubbing my feet too, of course!) It's hard to be away from family any day, but especially today, but there's really no sweeter place to be than in the will of God, and as you can see,  He finds ways to sweeten the deal on days like today. I thanked Him for my wonderful family, for the memories of Thanksgivings past with grandparents and cousins and too many pies to choose from. I thanked Him for always providing "family" wherever He takes me on this journey. I thanked Him for the people who give every month that make this missionary life possible.  I thanked Him for joy and contentment and the fullness of life with Him. I thanked Him for technology so I don't entirely miss the sweetness of moments like this one.
I thanked him for the little things like yellow box flip flops, coca cola, & sweet tea.
I thanked him for the Thanksgivings that He hasn't allowed me to be at home because Thanksgiving in Haiti, Kenya, and Thailand evoke feelings of thankfulness that you don't even think of in the USA!  Then I thanked God for the little Haitian children, the people of Merielle, my Thai family and friends, and for all the wonderful opportunities and relationships and moments He's given me to serve Him. I thanked Him all the way back down the mountain to my house where we cooked some more and then I loaded my mashed potatoes on my bike like so:
And I arrived at the home of my Thai missionary family and the rest of the family came in with turkey and dressing and green beans and pies and sweet tea and mac n cheese and rolls.  We took a few moments to thank God and remember how He's blessed us and then we ate and ate and ate some more! There's plenty to be thankful for here in Thailand including that drowsy feeling that is now in full effect which is just fine because it's 9pm and totally an appropriate time to go to bed! Happy Thanksgiving All! May you be filled with overwhelming gratitude today!

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